Monday, September 2, 2019

Tao Te Ching – Chapter 62

Tao is the honored source of all creation
The awakened person treasures it
The unenlightened are protected by it

This chapter is an ode to the natural beauty and humble majesty of Tao. Similar to the Bible’s observation that the sun shines and the rain falls equally on the just and the unjust, here we are told that Tao gives life to all, without reference to worthiness. All are equal before the loving generosity of the universe. The only difference is between those who are aware and those who are yet in ignorance.

Greater than emperors and ministers
More valuable than precious jade
Is sitting quietly and offering Tao to the world

Wisdom teachings and wisdom teachers from all traditions and time periods offer a “better way” or a “different way.” All aspire to liberate us from the suffering we cause ourselves by our unenlightened thoughts, words, and actions. And all offer assurance that relief is ours for the asking.

From ancient times Tao is honored
For those who seek receive
And are freed from their mistakes
Thus is Tao treasured by all under heaven

When I consider the choice between holding onto the “precious jade” of my opinions, judgments, fears, resentments, anger, and unforgiveness, and the boundless riches of my natural inheritance, well, hmm....

Recently I became aware of resentment I was holding against someone. I knew that it was blocking my own joy and separating me from divine union, but still there was something about it I savored. I liked to talk about it with others, to get sympathy and to reinforce my righteous outrage. I would start to let it go and then snatch it back again, not quite done with feeling betrayed and hurt.

And then, sitting on my meditation cushion trying all the “techniques” I know to ease my grip on what I knew was causing my own suffering, I suddenly saw an image. In this image I was underwater, sinking with the weight of the rock I was grasping. I treasured this rock and did not want to let it go. But as I sank further from the surface, the value of the rock began to fade as my desire for the light and air above became more urgent.

Finally, as you can guess, I wanted to rise back to the surface and breathe that precious air more than I wanted anything else. The rock was killing me, and as much has I had valued it, I now cared not a jot what happened to it and let it go.

If we really understood what our choice is, we would drop like a hot potato anything that blocks our true and only real treasure. We would, as Pema Chodron say, practice like our hair is on fire. We would live in humble gratitude and deep joy.

So think carefully about what you value above all else.

For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also. ~Matthew 6:21


  1. What a valuable teaching, Galen. I like the verse you ended with--it's interesting that the most precious treasures are never "things." Thank you for sharing such a personal experience with all of us!

    1. Thanks, Pam. It is a lesson I need to be reminded of often! This chapter of the Tao Te Ching came up just at the right time for me.

  2. Oh, Galen, what an image you were gifted with! What we hang onto the most will, in the end, define us. Time to let go of those rocks that weigh us down and keep us further away from the true treasure of our natural, spiritual inheritance. May our hearts be set on God's treasure that moths and vermin cannot destroy, and no one can steal from us.

    1. Yes, it was a gift, Martha. It helped me see so clearly what my real choices were. When gifted with clear sight, the choice is an easy one. I hope it is an image that will stay with me when I am tempted again to hold onto a worthless rock.

  3. I love the imagery in this post, including the handful of hearts. I too work hard to let go of the rocks that drag me down. Most of us don't have the ability to see them as clearly as you present here. Thank you again for your lovely website and insightful commentary. I am so fortunate to have found you. :-)

    1. Thank you, DJan, for being my ray of sunshine today! I so appreciate your kind words. And I feel the same way about your blog. So glad we found each other!

  4. Ah, I have a new image now, Galen! I will think, when becoming embroiled in holding onto something I believe I need to solve or rail against (and I know exactly what you mean about realising this from describing it over an over to certain friends) - is this a rock holding me down in deep waters? Is this my 'precious' jade? I love images for swift reminders and the imagery you use here is wonderful, so thank you!

    1. You are welcome. I'm finding it a useful image for myself. I use it about every 10 minutes--ha! Thanks for commenting, Lynne.

  5. Wow I wish I had read this earlier in the day and every day I have to deal with customer service, Galen. I felt like my rock of peace and sanity was drowning me too. This post was the light and air I needed!!

    1. If you missed it earlier in the day, don't worry. Life will present so many more opportunities for practice! Thanks for commenting, Vishnu. Nice to hear from you.

  6. Learning to let go of resentment and hurt is one of hardest of all things to let go. However, when doing so your feel the freedom of letting go. I have learned over time to have a forgiving heart. Although not perfect at it; I do have more peace and joy in my heart.
    Thanks for always bringing up timely subjects that we all need to think about and integrate more into our lives and character.
    Right now my main goal is to try to be more like my Savior and have a charitable heart.
    Blessings and hugs for this one.
    PS. I loved your poem this week; it was lovely!

    1. Thanks, LeAnn! Yep, I need lots more practice on this one. How nice that the universe gives me so many opportunities to practice!

  7. Galen you said so much here. Very inspiring.
    We have so much deep treasure inside us, the realm of wholeness/divinity is found within. Its given without merit and its all we need. All the masters pointed to it...and it offers the liberation from suffering. Joy and love with gratitude and humility spill forth when we allow our cup to fill up and overflow. This is 'sitting quietly and offering Tao to the world'

    I liked your imagery of the rock killing you, but its hard to let it go. My latest blog post is called 'Living in the rocks'. We are 'life' immersed in a material body made of raw elements.While we know we are not the body or thought forms , it is something we are immersed into. We find it hard to let go our attachments.

    1. Brian, sorry for the delay in posting your lovely comment -- I was at the cabin and away from the computer. I've been using that sinking with the rock image a lot to help me let go. When the choice is that dramatic, it's an easy one. But before long, I find that rock again, or another one.... So many opportunities to practice!


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