Monday, December 16, 2019

George Is Fine the Way He Is

My grandson came home from a shopping trip with his mom, eager to show me his great find from Goodwill. He called it a monkey, but we soon established that it is a lemur. He named it George.

Further inquiry led to internet searches and an entertaining and informative documentary about lemurs, who only live in Madagascar. Watching the beautifully filmed documentary, I noticed that all the lemurs had something that George does not – a tail. I examined George and discovered a little ripped place on his backside where at one time a tail was undoubtedly attached.

Instead of pointing this out, I went to the store the next day and bought what I would need to create a new tail for George. I thought my grandson would be pleased when I observed that George had lost his tail and that I could make him a new one. However, after considering this for a nanosecond, my grandson hugged George close and said, “That’s okay, Nana. George is fine the way he is.”

Whoa. I took a minute to let that sink in.

And away went George the tail-less lemur, bouncing happily in my grandson’s arms as they ran off to play.

To be fully seen by somebody and be loved anyhow – this is a human offering that can border on miraculous. ~Elizabeth Gilbert


  1. That is so heartwarming! Thank you for sharing.

  2. How we all want to hear that we are fine the way we are. God bless George!

    1. Indeed, Martha. May we all hear it and believe it!

  3. Your grandson is a wise young man.

  4. I am smiling on this one. I love the innocence and sweet nature of children. No wonder the Savior wants us to be like children with their attributes of faith and trust.
    Loving thoughts and hugs for this one!

    1. Yes, children have much to teach us about love and faith, LeAnn.

  5. Lovely! How wise. And I love the Elizabeth Gilbert quote. I've read her book on writing 'Big Magic' and her autobiographical Eat, Pray, Love. Enjoy the festive season, Galen!

  6. Yes indeed, Beth, this is so perfect. I am copying and keeping the quote. I love it!



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